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Use Market Stop Loss Orders instead of "Conditional Orders"#402


Currently Stop Loss Orders, though classified as “Market” (eg in the Advanced Settings Tab of a signal group) are not real Market Stop Loss Orders but “Conditional Orders”, They do not exist on the order book of the exchange and until condiitions such as a trigger price are met. It can happen, especially in very volatile or low volume coins that from one tick to the other the trigger price is exceeded and therefore the conditional order is rejected by the exchange due to conditions not met anymore. This results in a situation where the user is not safeguard via a stop loss on the exchange

I request cornix to implement real market stop loss orders and stop using conditional stop loss orders to safeguard the funds of their users and ensure that they are always covered with a stop loss

14 days ago

Aligned with this request user should be able to select what type of stop they want to implement independently.

At the moment all stop losses have to be the same type (“market or limit”). I wish to have a real market stop loss set at trade entry and then apply limit stop losses for my trailing stop loss. This is. It possible at present.

13 days ago