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Risk / Reward ratio on market place#461

Many times I see on the bots that Stop loss is way more far away then Take profit. I want to see that on marketplace. This is so stupid ratio that I’ve come across many bots. Sometimes you have 3 trades lost … but you need to make 15 profitable trades to come zero. Thats why you have reviews… I lost money on that bot. It is a bad bot.

In order to make bot creators more profitable… they have to start making better risk/reward ratio. 2 for take profit and 1 for stop loss ratio. Otherwise mathematically is very risky to be profitable. Yes you can show 7 trades are won out of 10. 1 trade is neutral and 2 been lost. But if those two trades have lost 250€ each… total is 500€. then 7 trades have won 50€ each. It means 350€. But overall is -150€ loss on my portfolio.

This is Cornix problem totally. In order to make bot creators to be profitable cornix has to show correct statistics. Cornix can run demo account on each bot with demo money. LEts say 10000$ demo money makes a 1000$ profit with that bot in 30 days. this number I want to see actually. All other numbers are just beautiful numbers.

LEts say you have 100000$ demo account. How would be real number for this bot gains or losses?

This risk / Reward ratio will provide at least 3 things:

  1. Customers see if bot is good or not
  2. Bot creators have to start make more to the profit take ratio… not loss is bigger.
  3. demo money is running on the bot and we want to see the result in 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. Because we want to make money Bitches :D
18 hours ago