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Order cancellation avoidance#478

In the current settings, if someone chooses a percentage amount in trading e.g 3%,4% etc in trading amount per trade and then the amount are fully filled, if new signals comes in then the current orders are automatically cancelled and someone ends up loosing all of the current orders because of the new incoming orders.

A lot of traders are forced to go with lower trading percentage e.g 1% just to maintain current trades and also receiving new signals to avoid cancellation.

Kindly design cornix to be able to maintain the current standing orders booked and when it has fully received the signals according to trading percentage, then be able to block new signals from booking without cancelling the current booked orders.
A lot of traders who receive a lot of trading signals are loosing their money because of this lack of settings.
So, even if someone chooses 5% per trade amount or more, he’s safer when his orders are fully booked and the system will block new orders when they come without cancelling his current orders.

20 days ago

Is there any possibility to see this feature inactive option

13 days ago